National Registry Office for Classified Information

Security containers used for the storage of classified information

Security containers used for the storage of classified information

Security containers used for the storage of classified information shall comply with the provisions set forth in the “Minimum Requirements for Security Containers Used for the Storage of Classified Information, for Locking Devices, Cipher Mechanisms and Locks”, approved by Order no. 443/31.10.2003 of Director General of ORNISS.


In organizations where, in accordance with the law, independent structures and measures regarding the direction and control of the protection of state secret information are established, the provisions of Order no. 182 / 26.04.2004 of Director General of ORNISS shall also apply.


Assessment of security containers used for the storage of classified information, consistent with art.16 para.2 of the above-mentioned Minimum Requirements shall be conducted by an assessing entity and shall be completed with a certificate of conformity.


The assessing entities shall be established according to the procedure approved by Order no.51 / 02.04.2009 of Director General of ORNISS and they may carry out definite tasks regarding the certification of conformity of security containers used for storing classified information after the certificate of acknowledgement has been obtained.


Under the provisions of Order no.443 of 31 st October 2003 , art.16 (3), ORNISS keeps the centralized accountability of the certificates of conformity issued by the assessing entities.

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